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VCU Archaeology

The Virtual Curation Laboratory @ the 20th Anniversary VCU School of World Studies Student Research Conference

by Bernard K. Means, Director

Yesterday, Thursday, November 20th, 2014, six undergraduate Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) students presented research that they had undertaken in the Virtual Curation Laboratory (VCL) as internships, based on research done in conjunction with Jamestown Rediscovery, the Virginia Department of Historic Resources Conservation Section, and the Virginia Museum of Natural History’s Archaeological Division.  The longevity of the VCU  School of World Studies Student Research Conference attests to its importance in promoting student research, and provides a venue for VCL interns to share their research, and serves as a way of demonstrating their co-creation efforts.  The VCL interns are key to the function of the VCL, but also benefit from learning how to conduct and present their research.

Here are the posters related to virtual curation:

adzic poster beskinis and mudd Clovis Powerpoint-21 Bowman_Global_Horizons smaller


Geraghty SRC Poster pdf LyfordUROPPoster

Rebecca Bowman, Carson Collier and Kaitlyn Lyford had replicas attached to their poster, while the remaining students had printed plastic replicas that they could share with people who came to see the posters.


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